Sunday, July 20, 2008

Big Stuf: Day 1 Update

Well as we wrapped up the first day, we are all very tired and maybe a little sunburned, but it has already been an incredible experience, even though we have only been here for about 8 hours. The opening session totally blew the students away with the amazing set, flashing lights and creative and fun games. The theme this year is "Broadcast" and the whole week we are asking ourselves "What am I broadcasting to the world around me?" It's really going to be amazing! Tonight we heard from Jared Heard and he challenged us to live out loud for God and to look at our life like a puzzle, and truly be honest about whether our life is a bunch of pieces or is it a complete, beautiful picture. Often times we each hold a piece of our life puzzle that we refuse to give God control of. Usually this is the piece that we desire the most; we think that because this thing is so valuable, that we have to hold on to it and have control of it, so that it is taken care of, rather than put that thing in the hands of the One who truly can control and change that one thing, that one thing that we care about the most.

As we go on through this week, your friends will be asking themselves, "What am I broadcasting, not just with my words, but with my life?" Maybe you could ask you self the same question...

Please pray for God to move in their hearts and change our lives as we all fall deeper in love with Him!

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