Monday, June 23, 2008

We Arrived in South Africa!

Well, we all made it safe to Chicago, then to London, and finally to Johannesburg, South Africa. After a long drive we showed up at the Pines with 12 kids in tow! After getting settled we took a tour of the property and got the schedule for the week. So we are settled in and we are having a Bible Club for the kids at the Pines as well as the children that live at the #7 camp down the road. We are excited to be here and even more excited to see what God will do in and through us over then next 2 weeks! Thanks for your support and prayers and be sure to look for updates and pictures to be posted as the activities get going!


Kevin said...

Hello Ryan,
This your Dad we are glad you made it, I know it was a long trip but worth it. We are so proud of you and all you have done to go on this trip. We dropped Hunter off in OKC this weekend so Mom and I are kid free. But we miss you boys already. Have a good time over there and look for God in all you do, he is there with you. Will type more tomorrow. We love you and miss you. Bye

Kevin said...

Hey Ryan, Sorry forgot to tell you we rented out your bedroom. LOLOLO

Kevin said...

Hey Ryan,

It's the Nickersons; our home is missing your smile around here. Jake is planning lots of Summer fun for when you get back. But for now keep doing all of God's work.... for they need you there!! We are so proud of you. Take lots of pictures and take care. Your Friends, Loni, Lisa, Alisha, Shayla, Jake and Cierra

Kevin said...

G' Morning Ryan,
Its Dad, and we are here in Iowa enjoying the mild temps. Still only in the 80s here. Hope you are having a good time and helping out. I know you are, do not take anuthing for granted everything happens for a reason and its all in Gods Plan. I gave the Nickersons a way to get ahold of you by using this blog so i am hoping you can stay in touch. Well i need to get back to work. Talk to you later I love you and mom says hi.

Molly :) said...

May God Bless your time there in South Africa - it is Life Changing! Please tell Wendy a special Hello from Me and now that I am praying for you all -
Molly (from Team 4)

Kevin said...

Hey Ryan it is Wednesday morning here in Iowa and suppose to be in the 90s today. Not liking that at all! Hope and pray all is well over there, we are doing good here. Both of us working all day and relaxing at night. We miss you and Love you-- Mom and Dad

Kevin B said...

hope you are having the trip of a lifetime. Let God work through your heart. The girls are having fun in LA. I have killed the plants and chased the birds around the house. I miss you very much. Come back with great memories and stories. Love you,


MATSON said...




Papa said...

Good Morning Chelcie and her Friends - hope all is well.. Chelcie - I wanted to let you know how proud I am of you -- your heart is so big as is your smile. As your mother said; Lord send your angels with these and they will do your will. Chelcie continue to give to those -- in Africa each day - GROW -- God Rewards Our Woman -- Blessing to You and the group. Papa 6-29-08 ps.. Alexis, Daniel, Eric, Tiaeesha, Sharmaine, Chasity say hello...

Unknown said...

Didn't realize I would miss you so much, even though I don't see you every day,anymore. Of course,I am proud of you, but basically the same as always cause you hear God and obey. That gives Grammie peace of mind. Thank you. I love you. Treat them with love and make God smile!


Rhonda said...
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