Thursday, January 14, 2010

Give to the Victims in Haiti this Weekend...

The images coming in from Haiti are truly horrific (which is why we chose the image above).

It’s easy to watch an hour of CNN and be left worse than when you started. That level of intensity and catastrophe can tend to lead us down one of two paths:

  • A numbed sense of powerlessness and detachment
  • or
  • A harried sense of temporary responsive activism

We are praying instead that God leads us and leads you to a God Given, Holy Spirit Driven, Sustainable and Responsible Response that reflects the way of Jesus.

We are asking that you

  • Pray Now (For those suffering, for those serving, for families, new orphans, new widows)
  • Give Some (This weekend, bring some money to The Spark or 4ORTY 2WO for our special offering to give to Compassion International. Whatever amount you have in your head, add 25%)

We are praying for Haiti. We are praying that we would live a Gospel that has always been for the poor, the outcast, the forgotten.

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