Thursday, September 17, 2009

CAPTIVATE. - Nov. 6th-8th

The theme for this year's Student Fall Retreat is "Captivate." During this incredible weekend, students will be drawn into the greatest story ever told: The epic story of God's relentless love for His people. This story has the power to capture our hearts and transform our lives forever, sending us on an adventure to change the world as God changes our hearts and lives.

When is it…
Captivate is November 6th – 8th, 2009

Where is it…
Hidden Acres Christian Conference Center in Dayton. Tucked away in the Hills about an hour west of Des Moines, the stage will be set for a true weekend getaway with God and friends. But don’t let the rustic scenery fool you - this is not your average wilderness weekend! Stocked with an indoor pool, gym, lake, paintball course, high ropes, horseback riding trails and a coffee shop, it's gonna be the biggest and best weekend of the year!

What do I need to bring…
A sleeping bag, close-toed shoes, toiletries, pants, Bible, pen, journal, clothes that can get dirty/ruined, spending money and your PLAID clothes for Super Spirit Saturday!

What should I not bring…
Cell phones, cigarettes, fireworks, iPods or other portable electronic
devices, offensive clothing or bad attitudes.

When and where do I need to be…
Register at Point of Grace at 3:00pm on Friday, November 6th Convoy leaves for CAPTIVATE around 3:30pm. Return to Point of Grace around 5:00pm on Sunday, November 8th.

What if I have questions…
Feel free to call the Student Ministry office at 987.9595, or you can ask questions by email at

How much is it? When is my money due…
Paid before October 1st, 6th Graders = $99 7th – 12th Graders = $119
Paid before November 1st, 6th Graders = $119 7th – 12th Graders = $139

Your money is due in full when you sign up for CAPTIVATE and unfortunately, because we have to reserve space and rent equipment, there can be NO refunds of any kind after you sign up for CAPTIVATE. Thank you for understanding…