Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Student Ministry Baptism Service!

We are having a Student Ministry Baptism service on Wednesday, December 16th, from 7:00-8:30p in the Student Zone. This is an occasion for the entire family to celebrate the life change that Jesus has done in the lives of our students! It will be a great night of celebration with worship, testimonies and baptisms. If you would like to be baptized, please email us at students@pointofgrace.com, and we hope to see you all there to celebrate what God has done in our ministry! Hope to see you next Wednesday night, December 16th!

Friday, December 04, 2009


Our new Christmas Series, called "When Love Comes To Town" begins on Sunday December, 6th and we will be talking about the Christmas story for three weeks!  We are excited to tell the story of Jesus' birth and focus our attention on the real meaning of Christmas!  We hope you will join us!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

CAPTIVATE. - Nov. 6th-8th

The theme for this year's Student Fall Retreat is "Captivate." During this incredible weekend, students will be drawn into the greatest story ever told: The epic story of God's relentless love for His people. This story has the power to capture our hearts and transform our lives forever, sending us on an adventure to change the world as God changes our hearts and lives.

When is it…
Captivate is November 6th – 8th, 2009

Where is it…
Hidden Acres Christian Conference Center in Dayton. Tucked away in the Hills about an hour west of Des Moines, the stage will be set for a true weekend getaway with God and friends. But don’t let the rustic scenery fool you - this is not your average wilderness weekend! Stocked with an indoor pool, gym, lake, paintball course, high ropes, horseback riding trails and a coffee shop, it's gonna be the biggest and best weekend of the year!

What do I need to bring…
A sleeping bag, close-toed shoes, toiletries, pants, Bible, pen, journal, clothes that can get dirty/ruined, spending money and your PLAID clothes for Super Spirit Saturday!

What should I not bring…
Cell phones, cigarettes, fireworks, iPods or other portable electronic
devices, offensive clothing or bad attitudes.

When and where do I need to be…
Register at Point of Grace at 3:00pm on Friday, November 6th Convoy leaves for CAPTIVATE around 3:30pm. Return to Point of Grace around 5:00pm on Sunday, November 8th.

What if I have questions…
Feel free to call the Student Ministry office at 987.9595, or you can ask questions by email at students@pointofgrace.com.

How much is it? When is my money due…
Paid before October 1st, 6th Graders = $99 7th – 12th Graders = $119
Paid before November 1st, 6th Graders = $119 7th – 12th Graders = $139

Your money is due in full when you sign up for CAPTIVATE and unfortunately, because we have to reserve space and rent equipment, there can be NO refunds of any kind after you sign up for CAPTIVATE. Thank you for understanding…

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Casey Darnell's Music Video from this past Sunday...

Many of you have been asking about Casey Darnell's music video to the song, "Can You See Me?" that we showed this past Sunday during Katie's message on "Access."

Well here it is...


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Life Group Sign Ups begin this weekend!!

This coming weekend, August 16th, you will be able to sign up to be in a Life Group. This is a very important step in your spiritual journey!

Our goal is to create environments where students begin to "See and God sees, and Love as God loves." We do this through helping you build purposeful relationships, experience God for themselves and engage in opportunities to be actively involved in the cause of Christ by serving others. Each week at The Spark or 4ORTY 2WO, you will experience fun games, great food, rocking worship, a challenging talk, and most importantly a meaningful connection in a Life Group with other students your age and caring adult leaders.

Life Group is the environment where students can connect with other peers and a caring adult in our to process what God is doing in their lives and what they are learning. Our program is changing so that Life Groups will no longer be on Wednesday evenings, but will now be an integrated part of your Sunday experience. This is to ease the schedule of your family, as well as enable leaders to have more time to focus on the students in their group, hopefully creating an even better environment for life change!

To get the most out of this environment, in it more important than ever for you to consistently attend the same service, every week. So, for example, if you typically come to the 9:00am service, at The Spark you would be placed in a Life Group with students in the same grade and gender as you. If one week you attend the 10:30am service, you will not be able to be in a Life Group, instead you would have to participate in the "On Deck" group. There is only one service time for 4ORTY 2WO.

With that in mind, we hope that over the next few days, you will discuss with your your parents the goal of Life Groups as discussed above, and express your desire to sign up for a group. Then, you can sign up this weekend and following weekends at The Spark or 4ORTY 2WO, or you can sign up at the Habit Shack in The Student Zone during any of our weekend services. We hope to have sign ups available online as well in the very near future. Look for more information regarding that on this website.

Looking forward to having you connect with other students by getting involved in Life Groups this year!!

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Flip Camp is a week away?

It is hard to believe, but FLIP Summer Camp 2009 is only about a week away! We are so pumped to have you joining us for this amazing trip! It promises to be one of the best trips of the year and we are sure it will be life changing for you as you experience the beauty of the Ozarks, community with your friends and leaders and experience God through worship and the teaching of His world by some of the best worship leaders and communicators in the country! We can't wait!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

New Series Start This Weekend!

One Prayer starts this weekend!

This is an incredible series where we will experience God together in a new and very cool way! In John 17, Jesus prays that His church would be ONE, that we would unite together and make Him famous and so that is what this series is all about! We are joining almost 1 Million people from over 200,000 churches across the whole world to learn, pray and serve together.

During this series we will be looking at who God is and who He wants us to become and we will learn together from some of the best communicators from across the nation! This is an incredible opportunity for God to move in and through your life... Don't Miss Out! Be sure to be at The Spark or 4ORTY 2WO every weekend from June 14th - July 19th! See you there!

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

4ORTY 2WO is moving times!

4ORTY 2WO (our High School Ministry) is changing times! In order to be more Family-Friendly, we are changing times of our High School Ministry.

Starting June 7th, 4ORTY 2WO will begin meeting from 5:00p - 7:00p.
Doors will open at 4:45p and will be closed at 7:45p.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at students@pointofgrace.com or call us at 515.987.9595 and we will help in any way that we can! We know that all change in hard, but we hope that this is a helpful change for your family that enables you all to spend more time together with your parents and other friends.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tell Your Parents...

That this Sunday (March 31st) from 12:00-1:00p in the Student Zone is our Summer Parent Meeting! You do not want your parents to miss this meeting as we will be discussing our plan for Summer as well as unveiling some new plans and strategies for Student Ministries that you will DEFINITELY want them to hear! Also if you are friends with any current 5th graders who will be moving up on June 7th, tell them that they will want their parents to be at this as well!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

4ORTY 2WO is moving times!

4ORTY 2WO (our High School Ministry) is changing times! In order to be more Family-Friendly, we are changing times of our High School Ministry.

Starting June 7th, 4ORTY 2WO will begin meeting from 5:00p - 7:00p.
Doors will open at 4:45p and we will be over by 7:30p.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at students@pointofgrace.com or call us at 515.987.9595 and we will help in any way that we can! We know that all change in hard, but we hope that this is a helpful change for your family that enables you all to spend more time together with your parents.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

30 Hour Famine!

30 HOUR FAMINE - FRIDAY, MAY 15th @ 6:30p - SATURDAY, MAY 16th @ 3:00p

This Friday is the 30 Hour Famine! You will not want to miss this incredibly powerful overnight experience! This life-changing event will help you and your friends become more aware of the situation that millions of children, women and men live in around the world. During this event you will experience hunger and poverty, raise awareness and money to solve the poverty crisis around the world, as well as do community service projects in our own community to help the less fortunate. This experience will be unlike any other that we have ever done. You will not want to miss the first one! There is only a first time once! For more information, be sure to contact students@pointofgrace.com or call Dawn at 515.987.9595 ext. 130.

Here's what you need to know:
- Eat breakfast on Friday morning before 8:00am and then don't eat lunch at school.
- Show up at Point of Grace at 6:30p
- You are only allowed to bring 3 personal items... this includes clothing, deodorant, camera, pillow etc... so for example you could bring a shirt to change into, a sleeping bag and a toothbrush, but no toothpaste or pillow... (medications do not count, but please turn them into an adult leader upon arrival with your name printed on them.)
- No Cell Phones, iPods, DVDs, Video games or players or other personal media devices.
- Please bring your signed permission slip with you if you have not filled it out yet.
- We will provide Juice and Water breaks throughout the evening and make sure that you are well hydrated.
- Pick will be at Point of Grace Church at 3:00p after our Service Projects in the morning and our "BREAK-FAST" Celebration...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


This weekend we are starting our new series called "FIGHT CLUB" about Family Relationships. This two week series will focus our attention on the need for us to FIGHT FOR our relationships with our parents and siblings, rather than FIGHTING WITH them. We hope that you will join us for this two week series!

The Spark (6th-8th Grade)
Sunday Mornings @ 9:00 and 10:30 am

4ORTY 2WO (9th-12th Grade)
Sunday Nights @ 7:00pm

Tuesday, April 07, 2009


This weekend we will not have Student Ministries services due to the Easter Holiday. Please take this opportunity to hang out with your student and celebrate Easter together as a family in the main service. They are starting a new series on parenting called "PARENTHOOD," and we hope that it will be very enjoyable as well as helpful. We will restart Student Ministries services next weekend (April 19th) with our new series on Family Relationships called "FIGHT CLUB." We hope that your student will join us next Sunday!

Sunday, April 05, 2009

No 4ORTY 2WO Tonight (4/5)

Hey everyone!

Just to let you know that we will not be having 4ORTY 2WO this evening due to the snow storm. Sorry for the late notice but the storm snuck up on us. Hope you have a great and safe night and have a Happy Easter Next Week! If you have any questions, please call 515.577.2696 or email students@pointofgrace.com

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

No Life Groups Tonight! Come Bowling With Us!

There are no Life Groups tonight because of Spring Break. So come bowling with us tonight at Warrior Lanes from 8p to 10p. It costs $10 and it includes 2 hours of Xtreme Blackout Bowling and shoe rentals. Bring your own money for food if you want. Hope to see you there!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Some people think that the Madness has to do with Basketball this March, but we know that it's really about Student Ministries and all the fun stuff we have going on this week! So be sure to join us for all the fun and invite your friends to come with you! There's no reason to be bored!

Here is the Line Up:

11:30am – 4:00pm
Meet & Pick Up at the Church (Parent Drivers Needed)
Cost: $20
Includes Lunch, Transportation, 1 Game of Lazer Tag, 1 Round of Mini Golf and 10 Game Tokens

WEDNESDAY – March 18th
7:30pm – 10:00pm
Meet & Pick Up at Warrior Lanes
190 Laurel Street, Waukee (Across Hickman from POG)
Cost: $10 plus bring money for food if you want

11:30m – 3:00pm
Meet & Pick Up at Jordan Creek Dew Zone
Cost: $10-20 for Food and Movie Ticket
More Details to follow when movies are released

If you have any questions or if your parents want to help out with any of these events, email us at students@pointofgrace.com. Thanks and hope to see you at all the fun activities! Bring a friend with you!

Friday, February 27, 2009

30 Hour Famine Postponed!

Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know that the 30 Hour Famine has been postponed until Spring in order to allow more people to get involved in the experience. So if you have been raising money, then keep up the good work, and if you haven't getten involved yet, be sure to pick up a packet this weekend from the Habit Shack! Look forward to more details to be announced soon! For more information please feel free to email students@pointofgrace.com and we will get back to you!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

New Series's Start This Weekend!

This weekend we start talking about SEX!
Don't miss any of the four weeks of the new series on dating sexual purity starting March 1st and going through the 22nd. This will be an incredible series, full of practical wisdom, fun stories and honest conversation about an awkward topic.

The series for The Spark (6th-8th Grade) is called:

The series for 4ORTY 2WO (9th-12th Grade) is called:

You won't want to miss this. See you Sunday!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


There will be no Student Ministry Services this weekend because we are going to be gone at SNOWFEST! So please enjoy the morning services with your parents this weekend and we will be back next weekend (March 1st) for the beginning of our new series called "BIRDS & BEES" (for the Spark) or "UNCENSORED" (for 4ORTY 2WO).

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Last Week to Sign Up for SNOWFEST 2009!

This weekend is your last chance to sign up for SNOWFEST 2009! It is only 2 weeks away and only costs $200 for the whole weekend, including transportation, life tickets for 2 days on the slopes, hotel, and food. If you would like to go, please pick up a sign up sheet at the Habit Shack in the Student Zone this weekend! Hope that you can join us!! For more information feel free to email us at students@pointofgrace.com or call us at 515.987.9595 ext. 116.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Chick Night - THIS FRIDAY!

If you are a girl....DO NOT MISS CHICK NIGHT!

This is one of the premier events for girls in the DSM area each year. This Friday, February 6th, from 7pm until 8am on Saturday, February 7th. This overnight event is filled with fun, food, games, friends, prizes and tons of memories! The goal of this night is to help girls to develop a positive self image as well as learn the value of partnering with other girls as friends, rather than seeing them as competition. We do this through conversation, door prizes, videos and great student a leader interaction. It's a great night and you do not want you to miss it!

For more information call Katie at 515.987.9595 ext. 122 or email her at Katie@pointofgrace.com or you can pick up a permission slip at the Habit Shack during a weekend service!

February 6-7th, 2009
7:00p - 8:00a
$10.00 and a permission slip due at check in...
First time guests get in for free!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Chick Night!

If you are a girl....DO NOT MISS CHICK NIGHT!

This is one of the premier events for girls in the DSM area each year. This year it is from 7pm on Friday, February 6th until 8am on Saturday, February 7th. This overnight event is filled with fun, food, games, friends, prizes and tons of memories! The goal of this night is to help girls to develop a positive self image as well as learn the value of partnering with other girls as friends, rather than seeing them as competition. We do this through conversation, door prizes, videos and great student a leader interaction. It's a great night and you do not want you to miss it!

For more information call Katie at 515.987.9595 ext. 122 or email her at Katie@pointofgrace.com or you can pick up a permission slip at the Habit Shack during a weekend service!

February 6-7th, 2009
7:00p - 8:00a
$10.00 and a permission due at check in...
First time guests get is for free!

Monday, January 05, 2009


This Wednesday (January 7th) we will not be having Life Groups. They will resume next Wednesday, January 14th at normal time in your host homes. If you are not in Life Groups and would like to join, then grab a Life Group Sign Up card this weekend and bring it home for your parent to sign. Next Wednesday is the Jump In Point for Life Groups for this upcoming series on Temptation. If you do not make it in this time the next Jump In Point is March 4th. Hope you will make it on Sunday for the beginning of our new series on temptation called, "ALL IN."