Sunday, July 20, 2008

Big Stuf: Day 1 Update

Well as we wrapped up the first day, we are all very tired and maybe a little sunburned, but it has already been an incredible experience, even though we have only been here for about 8 hours. The opening session totally blew the students away with the amazing set, flashing lights and creative and fun games. The theme this year is "Broadcast" and the whole week we are asking ourselves "What am I broadcasting to the world around me?" It's really going to be amazing! Tonight we heard from Jared Heard and he challenged us to live out loud for God and to look at our life like a puzzle, and truly be honest about whether our life is a bunch of pieces or is it a complete, beautiful picture. Often times we each hold a piece of our life puzzle that we refuse to give God control of. Usually this is the piece that we desire the most; we think that because this thing is so valuable, that we have to hold on to it and have control of it, so that it is taken care of, rather than put that thing in the hands of the One who truly can control and change that one thing, that one thing that we care about the most.

As we go on through this week, your friends will be asking themselves, "What am I broadcasting, not just with my words, but with my life?" Maybe you could ask you self the same question...

Please pray for God to move in their hearts and change our lives as we all fall deeper in love with Him!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Big Stuf Countdown: 4 Days!

Can you believe that we leave for Big Stuf in only 4 days!! Here is the information that we covered in the meeting and all the details for what you need to bring, and what not to bring, to camp this weekend:

Registration begins at 10:00 am this Friday, July 18th, in the Atrium at Point of Grace. Please arrive as soon after 10:00 am as possible as we have almost 100 people to check in. We will be leaving by 11:00 am. A parent or legal guardian must sign in every student going on this trip, and stay for the short Parent Meeting. At registration, Parents will be giving the Parent packet with information about details at camp, your room leader and their cell phone number to contact them in the case of an emergency. Your parent or guardian will also have to sign the Big Stuf Release Form. If they do not sign you in and fill out this form, you cannot get on the bus.

We will be stopping on the way down to Florida at the City Museum in St. Louis, MO, and the cost for that is $6. We will also be stopping at Opry Mills Mall in Nashville, TN, on the way home.

You will need spending money for this trip. We suggest between $75 and $100 for food on the way down and back (6 meals total) souvenirs while at camp, admission to the City Museum, as well as snacks and food while at camp. Also there are extra optional activities while at camp that cost money such as parasailing, Jetski rentals, Shipwreck Island Water Park and the Movie Theater, which are all options on Tuesday during Free Time. Please ask your parents for spending money as we will not be able to cover students who do not have money for food.

Please bring:
Pillow and blanket for the bus ride
One piece swim suit
Bible and pen
iPod, CD player, and other personal media devices (please put your name on them because they are for the bus ride only. They will be collected when we arrive at camp and returned the night before we leave for home)
Spending money (we suggest between $75 and $100)

Please DO NOT bring:
Cellular phones (if you are caught with your phone, it will be confiscated and you will not get it back until we meet with you and your parents)
Cigarettes, alcohol or other drugs not prescribed by a doctor
Bad Attitudes

If you have any last minute questions, please feel free to contact us at, or check out and we will see you Friday morning at 10:00 am for registration and then it's off to Florida! It's going to be a great week. We are looking forward to it!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Gold Medal Monday!

Come hang out with us this Monday, July 14th, at Jordan Creek Mall! We will be having lunch and seeing Wall-E. Bring $12 or so for lunch and your movie ticket. We will meet at the Dew Zone at noon and pick up is at 3:30p. Hope to see you there!