Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Move Up Parties!

MOVE UP WEEKEND is coming!
June 1st is the day! Current 5th graders will move up to Junior High and current 8th graders will move up to High School! It's going to be an exciting day! Here are the details for each group:

THE SPARK (Junior High: Current 5th-7th graders)
Show up to you normal room on June 1st, and then the new sixth graders will come over to the Student Zone all together! We will have a very special service to welcome them! After second service, at 12:00 noon, we will have our Move Up Party out on the West Lawn! You will not want to miss it! We will have tons of free food, fun games and special prizes! Be sure to bring your swimsuit and a towel and change of clothes, because we will have a Dunk Tank, where you can dunk the Student Ministries Staff, and an Inflatable Water Slide! This party is for new 6th - 8th graders only! Pick up is at 2:00p.

We will also have a brief New 6th Grade Parent Orientation Meeting from 12:15 - 1:00p in the Student Zone (Theater). If you are the Parent of a new 6th grader, please make plans to attend this short meeting so that you can ask any questions that you have, and be up to speed on way for you child to get connected to the Student Ministry this summer!

4ORTY 2WO (High School: Current 8th-12th graders)
Be sure to show up at 5pm for your MOVE UP PARTY! We will have free dinner, ice cream, music and fun games! Bring a swim suit and a change of clothes because we will have a Dunk Tank and Water Slide so you can get nice and soaked before 4ORTY 2WO. Then at 7:00p we will have our Welcome Service to bring in the new freshman, as well as celebrate the exiting Seniors! You will not want to miss it! This party is for new 9th-12th graders and graduating seniors only! The night will end at 9:00p after 4ORTY 2WO.

We hope that you will be there! It won't be the same without you!