Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Note from Katie and Kurt...

Just a reminder that we will not be having Student Ministry Services (The Spark - Sundays @ 9:00 and 10:30a or 4ORTY 2wo - Sundays @ 7:00p) the next two weeks. So on Dec. 28th and Jan. 4th you can chill at home or go with your family to "big church," but we won't be doing anything. We will see you January 11th for the start of our new series, "ALL IN." Have a great break!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


We hope that you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! We will not have Student Ministry Services until January 11th, so that you can spend the holidays with your parents, and be together as a family! We hope that you will take advantage of this time to be together, make memories and share in the wonder of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

We will begin having The Spark (6th-8th Grade) and 4ORTY 2WO (9th-12th Grade) on January 11th, 2009 when we will start our new series on temptation called "ALL IN" We hope that you will join us!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Life Group Christmas Party!

Don't miss out on the Life Group Christmas Party! This Wednesday, December 17th from 7-9pm in the Student Zone at Point of Grace! We will have a ton of good food, fun games, festive music and gift exchange! So come and hang out with us and bring a wrapped White Elephant gift to participate in the gift exchange. Don't spend more that $5 on something (or even better, find something in your basement!) Can't wait to celebrate with you!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


On December 6th, we will start our new Christmas series called ADVENT CONSPIRACY. Don't miss out on this two week series, as we re-examine the Christmas story and it's implications in our lives today. For more insight on the topic of ADVENT CONSPIRACY, check out this video:


Just a reminder that due to Thanksgiving, we will not be having Life Groups this Wednesday (Nov. 26th) or Student Ministry Services this Sunday (Nov. 30th). Please enjoy the main service with your family this Sunday in the Main Auditorium, and eat a whole lot of turkey on Thursday! See you in two weeks on December 6th for the start of ADVENT CONSPIRACY. See you then!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Summer Camp - I know right?

Check out this video for Summer Camp! The cost is only $499 per person until February 1st, 2009! That includes everything, 5 days in Branson, MO in a sweet hotel, a trip to Silver Dollar City, charter bus ride, t-shirt and three shows/concerts! You will not want to miss out on Kristian Stanfill, Francis Chan, Leeland and the David Crowder Band, who will all be at camp this year! Its going to be amazing, so graba permission slip from the Habit Shack during a weekend service and get signed up before its sold out!

Student Life Camp 2009 Branson from Student Life on Vimeo.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dont Miss This Weekend!

Last weekend, we learned how we can get in the game and participate in the cause of Christ rather than just be spectators. This coming weekend is one that you do not want to miss! We are finishing out our INVERTED series, and we will be turning in our commitment cards with the whole church as we sacrifice together to advance God's presence in our community!

This weekend, come prepared to fill out a commitment card to tell the church how you will get in the game and be a part of the WHYi Campaign. Let's live this INVERTED life together and show the church and the community that students don't just focus on themselves but will sacrifice so that others can be reached!

POG Student Ministry Staff

Thursday, October 09, 2008

TWLOHA Tour is Tomorrow Night!!

The TWLOHA Tour will be at Point of Grace TOMORROW NIGHT!! (Friday, October 10th) from 7-10:30p. Tickets cost $5 at the door. Between the Trees, Nevertheless, and Dan Evans from NBC's "The Biggest Loser" will be playing, and Renee Yohe will be speaking about her battle with depression, self-image and cutting and how she found healing in Christ from her new book "Purpose for the Pain."

This is ONE TIME EVENT, unlike the Valley/Waukee football game which happens every year and the outcome is always the same! If Cody Tennison (who is PLAYING in the game) is coming as soon as it's over, you can make it too! You do not want to miss this!

Purpose for the Pain is the inspiring story of a young woman’s battles through addiction, depression and self-mutilation. In heartbreaking detail and poetic outpourings, Renee Yohe (the inspiration behind the non-profit movement, To Write Love On Her Arms) chronicles her journey from self destruction to new life. Over four years of journal entries, she takes readers through her deepest moments of despair to the hope on the other end. Renee’s story is a light of possibility to anyone who feels trapped by darkness.

You do not want to miss this night! Grab some flyers and bring all your friends!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

FUSE - Fall Getaway is only 1 week away!

There is only one week left until the deadline to sign up for FUSE! You do not want to miss this event! Our Fall Getaway is up in Boone, at the YMCA Camp and we bring it all! It's an incredible weekend where you will be challenged to grow closer to your friends, more in love with God and more passionate about changing their campus. It's an incredible weekend! It's only $120 which includes programing elements, food, lodging, transportation, games, prizes and a t-shirt! There are also optional activities available at a small extra cost. Registration is at 3:30p on Friday, October 3rd at Point of Grace and we leave from camp at 4:00p. We will return at 5:00p on Sunday October 5th. A signed parent permission slip is due at the time of registration. The deadline to sign up is Wednesday, October 1st! Don't miss out. There is a huge difference in the connectedness of students who go on this trip and those who do not. Set a great trajectory for the year and sign up for FUSE!

Also, our band KEY TO THE CITY will be recording a live worship album at FUSE, and you will want your voice on that!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

TWLOHA Tour - October 10th

The TWLOHA Tour will be at Point of Grace on Friday, October 10th from 7-10:30p. Tickets cost $5 in advance or $8 at the door. Between the Trees, Nevertheless, and Dan Evans from NBC's "The Biggest Loser" will be playing, and Renee Yohe will be speaking about her battle with depression, self-image and cutting and how she found healing in Christ from her new book "Purpose for the Pain."

Purpose for the Pain is the inspiring story of a young woman’s battles through addiction, depression and self-mutilation. In heartbreaking detail and poetic outpourings, Renee Yohe (the inspiration behind the non-profit movement, To Write Love On Her Arms) chronicles her journey from self destruction to new life. Over four years of journal entries, she takes readers through her deepest moments of despair to the hope on the other end. Renee’s story is a light of possibility to anyone who feels trapped by darkness.

You do not want to miss this night! Grab some flyers and bring all your friends!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Life Group Kick Off Party!

If you want to be in Life Groups, be sure that you are at the Kick Off Party tonight, Wednesday, September 17th at Point of Grace in the Student Zone from 7 - 9 pm. You will find out who is in your group, who your leader is and where they will meet. If you have signed up be sure to be there, and feel free to come and get involved tonight. Don't miss out on this chance to get plugged in!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Pool Party!

Just wanted to let everyone know that if there is a thunderstorm tomorrow the pool party will be cancelled. If it is raining at noon please do not come to the clice pool. If the weather holds up then we will see you tomorrow if not then we will see you all at church for Takeover Service 2.0 this weekend!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

High School Camping Trip!

This weekend, the High School Group is heading out for a camping trip at Ledges State Park. The cost is $10 for food and fun. Please bring your own sleeping bag, tent, pillow and toiletries as well as clothes for the trip. We will meet at 12:30 pm in the Student Zone (Theater) at Point of Grace and leave for the campground. We will return to Point of Grace around 2 pm on Monday, August 11th. Also if your parents can drive please let us know. Hope you all can make it to the trip! If you do not come on the camping trip, we will not have 4ORTY 2wO on Sunday night August 10th, so don't show up... you will be all alone. If you have any questions, please feel free to call 515.987.9595 ext. 116. Thanks!

Oceans of Fun Trip!

Attention Junior Highers!! Looking for something fun to do the last week before school starts up again? Be sure to join us as we head down to Oceans of Fun in Kansas City! It's Wednesday, August 13th from 8am until 10pm. The cost is $40 and this includes admission to the park, all you can eat BBQ lunch and transportation. Bring extra money for souvenirs and dinner on the way home! Please fill out a permission slip by Sunday, August 10th and turn it in with your money. Also if your parents would like to drive please let us know by calling us at 515.987.9595 ext. 116 or emailing Thanks a lot!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Big Stuf: Day 1 Update

Well as we wrapped up the first day, we are all very tired and maybe a little sunburned, but it has already been an incredible experience, even though we have only been here for about 8 hours. The opening session totally blew the students away with the amazing set, flashing lights and creative and fun games. The theme this year is "Broadcast" and the whole week we are asking ourselves "What am I broadcasting to the world around me?" It's really going to be amazing! Tonight we heard from Jared Heard and he challenged us to live out loud for God and to look at our life like a puzzle, and truly be honest about whether our life is a bunch of pieces or is it a complete, beautiful picture. Often times we each hold a piece of our life puzzle that we refuse to give God control of. Usually this is the piece that we desire the most; we think that because this thing is so valuable, that we have to hold on to it and have control of it, so that it is taken care of, rather than put that thing in the hands of the One who truly can control and change that one thing, that one thing that we care about the most.

As we go on through this week, your friends will be asking themselves, "What am I broadcasting, not just with my words, but with my life?" Maybe you could ask you self the same question...

Please pray for God to move in their hearts and change our lives as we all fall deeper in love with Him!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Big Stuf Countdown: 4 Days!

Can you believe that we leave for Big Stuf in only 4 days!! Here is the information that we covered in the meeting and all the details for what you need to bring, and what not to bring, to camp this weekend:

Registration begins at 10:00 am this Friday, July 18th, in the Atrium at Point of Grace. Please arrive as soon after 10:00 am as possible as we have almost 100 people to check in. We will be leaving by 11:00 am. A parent or legal guardian must sign in every student going on this trip, and stay for the short Parent Meeting. At registration, Parents will be giving the Parent packet with information about details at camp, your room leader and their cell phone number to contact them in the case of an emergency. Your parent or guardian will also have to sign the Big Stuf Release Form. If they do not sign you in and fill out this form, you cannot get on the bus.

We will be stopping on the way down to Florida at the City Museum in St. Louis, MO, and the cost for that is $6. We will also be stopping at Opry Mills Mall in Nashville, TN, on the way home.

You will need spending money for this trip. We suggest between $75 and $100 for food on the way down and back (6 meals total) souvenirs while at camp, admission to the City Museum, as well as snacks and food while at camp. Also there are extra optional activities while at camp that cost money such as parasailing, Jetski rentals, Shipwreck Island Water Park and the Movie Theater, which are all options on Tuesday during Free Time. Please ask your parents for spending money as we will not be able to cover students who do not have money for food.

Please bring:
Pillow and blanket for the bus ride
One piece swim suit
Bible and pen
iPod, CD player, and other personal media devices (please put your name on them because they are for the bus ride only. They will be collected when we arrive at camp and returned the night before we leave for home)
Spending money (we suggest between $75 and $100)

Please DO NOT bring:
Cellular phones (if you are caught with your phone, it will be confiscated and you will not get it back until we meet with you and your parents)
Cigarettes, alcohol or other drugs not prescribed by a doctor
Bad Attitudes

If you have any last minute questions, please feel free to contact us at, or check out and we will see you Friday morning at 10:00 am for registration and then it's off to Florida! It's going to be a great week. We are looking forward to it!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Gold Medal Monday!

Come hang out with us this Monday, July 14th, at Jordan Creek Mall! We will be having lunch and seeing Wall-E. Bring $12 or so for lunch and your movie ticket. We will meet at the Dew Zone at noon and pick up is at 3:30p. Hope to see you there!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Week One Review

Hello All! We are so thankful for your prayers and so excited to be a part of what God is doing down here in South Africa! We wrapped up an incredible week of VBS style outreach club for the children that live around the Pines. We had over 60 children on Tuesday when Katie taught on the story of Noah's Ark and how we can trust God's promises to us, and ended the week with over 12 children praying to ask Jesus to come into their lives through the explanation of the gospel through the 5 color bead bracelet. It truly has been an indescribable week so far! Next week we are headed to the Public High School in Thabong, the townshi
p right near Whelkom, to speak to the senior class for a week about American, education, AIDS awareness and prevention and social issues such as gender, race, and basic human rights from God's perspective. Should be a great time! Thanks again for you prayers and please enjoy the pictures....
Katie teaching the Children
The Gospel bracelets the Children made

Week One Review

Monday, June 23, 2008

We Arrived in South Africa!

Well, we all made it safe to Chicago, then to London, and finally to Johannesburg, South Africa. After a long drive we showed up at the Pines with 12 kids in tow! After getting settled we took a tour of the property and got the schedule for the week. So we are settled in and we are having a Bible Club for the kids at the Pines as well as the children that live at the #7 camp down the road. We are excited to be here and even more excited to see what God will do in and through us over then next 2 weeks! Thanks for your support and prayers and be sure to look for updates and pictures to be posted as the activities get going!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Gold Medal Monday! - June 16th

Gold Medal Mondays are just fun activities during the summer to generate community and have fun as a group. We hope you will join us for all three this summer! The first one in this Monday, June 16th and its a pool party at Katie and Kurt's apartment. It is from 12-3pm and costs $5 for Jimmy John's Lunch! Here are the directions to the pool:

Take I-35 to Mills Civic Parkway. Go east on Mills Civic to 50th Street and turn left on 50th. Turn Left on EP True Parkway. Go under the Interstate and then turn left on Prairie View Drive. Take the second left into the apartment complex and look for the balloons. The pool is through the clubhouse (1000 building) which is directly in front of you.

See you there!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Move Up Parties!

MOVE UP WEEKEND is coming!
June 1st is the day! Current 5th graders will move up to Junior High and current 8th graders will move up to High School! It's going to be an exciting day! Here are the details for each group:

THE SPARK (Junior High: Current 5th-7th graders)
Show up to you normal room on June 1st, and then the new sixth graders will come over to the Student Zone all together! We will have a very special service to welcome them! After second service, at 12:00 noon, we will have our Move Up Party out on the West Lawn! You will not want to miss it! We will have tons of free food, fun games and special prizes! Be sure to bring your swimsuit and a towel and change of clothes, because we will have a Dunk Tank, where you can dunk the Student Ministries Staff, and an Inflatable Water Slide! This party is for new 6th - 8th graders only! Pick up is at 2:00p.

We will also have a brief New 6th Grade Parent Orientation Meeting from 12:15 - 1:00p in the Student Zone (Theater). If you are the Parent of a new 6th grader, please make plans to attend this short meeting so that you can ask any questions that you have, and be up to speed on way for you child to get connected to the Student Ministry this summer!

4ORTY 2WO (High School: Current 8th-12th graders)
Be sure to show up at 5pm for your MOVE UP PARTY! We will have free dinner, ice cream, music and fun games! Bring a swim suit and a change of clothes because we will have a Dunk Tank and Water Slide so you can get nice and soaked before 4ORTY 2WO. Then at 7:00p we will have our Welcome Service to bring in the new freshman, as well as celebrate the exiting Seniors! You will not want to miss it! This party is for new 9th-12th graders and graduating seniors only! The night will end at 9:00p after 4ORTY 2WO.

We hope that you will be there! It won't be the same without you!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


There will be no Student Ministries services this weekend because the Student Ministries staff will be in Atlanta at the ORANGE Conference. Please enjoy this weekend with your parents as they celebrate the Live Like You Were Dying series in the Main Auditorium. Also please pray for us as we travel, and that God would bring us fresh insights and creativity as a team to create even more irresistible environments where you and your friends can experience God, connect with others and serve your community. Have a great week and we will see you next weekend (May 4th) for the start of our new series:

Friday, March 28, 2008

EXPOSED! the naked truth about sex and dating

We are starting a new series this weekend called EXPOSED! the naked truth about sex and dating. It is going to be an incredible series as we discover together what God says about sex and dating. (Hint: It may not be what you think...) We hope that you will invite your friends to come with you for this exciting four week series! You won't be disappointed!

Monday, March 10, 2008


Spring Break is only 1 week away!! And we have a ton of fun activities each day to keep you excited and connected! So now you have no excuse...

Here is the break down:

MONDAY: Movie and Jordan Creek Century 20 Theaters
Meet at the DEW ZONE at Jordan Creek Town Center and we will have lunch in the food court and then see Penelope (PG). You need about $12 for movie ticket and lunch. Pick up will be at 3:00pm.
TUESDAY: Bowling at Warrior Lanes
Meet at Warrior Lanes (Across Hickman Road from Church) at 12:00 noon to have some fun bowling! Bring $10 for bowling, shoe rental, or more for the arcade and snacks. Pick up is at 2:00pm at Warrior Lanes.
WEDNESDAY: Sports Day at Sports Plex West
Meet at Sports Plex West (890 SE Olson Drive, just west of Alice's Road between Hickman and University) at 11:00am and we will have 2 hours of sports (Dodgeball, Basketball, Indoor Soccer and Rock Climbing Wall). This event is FREE!! So invite a bunch of friends! Every student must have a signed parent permission slip, which you can download from the Sports Plex West website. Even though this event is free, if any student doesn't have a signed permission slip, they cannot participate. Sorry, no exceptions.
THURSDAY: Girl's Only Breakfast
Meet at Point of Grace at 9:30a for a free Breakfast in the Hub! Bring your girlfriends for a great time of food and community! Sorry guys, girls only!
FRIDAY: XBOX Tournament, DDR, Guitar Hero, Games and Pizza Lunch
Finish out the week hanging out in the Student Zone at Point of Grace from 11:00am to 2:00pm. There will be prizes for the winners and a pizza lunch. Bring $3 if you want to eat pizza.

Hope to see you all there!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

No Student Ministries Services This Weekend!

There will be no Student Ministries Services this Sunday (Feb. 24th) because we will be at SNOWFEST '08! If your student is not coming with us to SNOWFEST '08 then please join you in the main service this weekend. (They are finishing up the PUREsex series) If you (or they) would rather not be in the adult service, then they can help out in Children's ministry. Have them talk to Debbie or Jodi at church this weekend to volunteer. We will return to normal service times next Sunday, March 2nd with the start of our new series: MYSPACE.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


There will be no 42 Service tonight because of the snow storm!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

No Life Groups Tonight!

Hopefully you get this in time, but there will be no Life Groups tonight (Wednesday, Feb. 6th) due to the Snow storm. Please enjoy the night with your family and stay safe! We will see you on Sunday!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Bless Back Project!

Be sure to tell us how God used you this week to bless back! Visit the website and fill in your comments to tell us what you did with the money! Hope you had a great time!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Student Ministries South Africa Meeting

If you or your student would like to come with us to South Africa this summer, you will want to be at this meeting! All your questions will be answered and you will be able to get a better idea of where we are going and what we will be doing. We will be having a meeting at 12 noon on Sunday January, 27th in the Student Zone (Theater) to discuss the South Africa trip. If you want to go, you need to come to this meeting! Let us know by emailing Hope to see you there!

Student Ministry Weekly Podcast Is Live!

Now you can listen to the weekend message on your iPod! Did you miss a week of the series? Have a friend who wants to hear what your church is like? Just like hearing the sound of Katie or Kurt's voice as you go to sleep? Well you can download the weekend message from The Spark or 42 and listen to it on your computer, iPod, or other mp3 players! Check it out by clicking the link on the right in the menu bar!

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Said in (RED)

This weekend we are starting up a new series called Said in (RED) and we will be talking about Jesus' words, and why they are so important that they are printed in red ink. You will not want to miss any week of this series! It's going to be huge!!